
Cultivation of Muskmelon

The various cultivars of muskmelons (Cucumis melo L.) make a tasty addition to a summer-time backyard. Smooth-skinned cultivars contain honey dew melons and casabas, crenshaws. Cultivars with nets on their epidermis contain melons and cantaloupes.

Climate and Soil

Muskmelons develop best with average temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and ripen best-in dry climate. They like free, rich soil having a pH of 6.0 to 6.8 that’s well-drained. Add aged manure to the planting beds the drop before they are planted by you.


Plant seeds in full-sun 1inch deep three to one month following the last frost in the spring. In about 10 times, the seeds will germinate at 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant seeds indoors in peat pots or paper about six months before planting time. Pots that are biodegradable are required if their roots are disturbed because muskmelon seedlings develop badly. Plant in hills or mounds or in rows that are. Mounds should be four to six-feet and 24-inches across apart. Use scissors to reduce the three or four seedlings level to the floor when the seedlings on a mound produce three or four leaves. Space the seedlings in rows.


Muskmelons react properly to the program of plastic mulch to early-season insects and control weeds. Use the mulch 2 to 3 months before you plant the melons, creating holes for the seeds or seedlings. The mulch helps protect the crops from early-season cool spells and until the plants start to flower, you don’t need to remove it unless it gets really warm.


Use 3 lbs of potassium, 2 lbs of phosphorous and 1 pound of nitrogen for 1000 square-feet of plot area before planting in the event that you use black plastic mulch. Increase the quantity of nitrogen by 25-percent on bare floor. Three figures that show the ratio by percentage fat of macro-nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium rate fertilizers. Nitrogen encourages the development of vines; potassium aids melons produce.


Keep the soil moist. Irrigate them using a drip or furrow hose. Mildew can be caused by watering them. Remove weeds from around the vines before the vines are huge to smother your competitors out. Each vine is grown on by flowers to allow four melons.

Growing in Small Spaces

It’s possible for you to buy seeds for bush or dwarf cultivars ideal for expanding in containers that are 18-inches extensive or bigger. To truly save space and boost produce, train vines to develop close to the container on a support or trellis. Place mesh bags across the creating melons s O the vines will not be damaged by their pounds, and tie them. It’s possible for you to extend the developing period by commencing a container-grown muskmelon indoors exterior when the climate warms in the spring and relocating it.

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