Tropical Style

How Much Water a Citrus Tree Needs a Week?

Juicy oranges and lemons require a lot of moisture for development because the majority of the fruits’ composition is water. But ardent over-watering readily damages citrus trees and impedes healthy fruit production. A strict balance of weekly watering and well-drained land contributes to a wholesome citrus tree with vigorous growth and high fruit yields.

Newly Planted Trees

A youthful citrus tree does not have an expansive underground root system. Bearing this in mind, your weekly watering ought to be concentrated straight at the root ball. Because soil types vary widely, the total amount of weekly water to get your root ball depends on the region’s drainage capacity and climate. In general, you need to saturate the entire root ball so it is moist but not waterlogged, but your dirt must be well-draining to prevent soggy conditions which encourage pests and disease into the root ball. By maintaining your root ball moist, you stimulate new root development to spread both horizontally and vertically in the soil.

Mature Trees

Well-established, or mature, citrus trees may go for two weeks without a watering session, depending on your climate. Citrus trees favor deep watering sessions when compared with shallow and frequent watering. Every time you water a mature tree, the soil ought to be moist down 36 inches. You are not just watering the root ball — mature trees need watering out to their canopy drip line and slightly further out to saturate all the spreading roots.

Watering Indicators

A citrus tree shows its dependence on water once the leaves and stems begin to wilt — the internal plant cells require the water to swell and also promote vertical growth. A moisture meter helps you determine water needs before it begins to wilt. Usually, a 50 percent moisture reading in the soil indicates it is time to water. A simpler approach to seeing if the citrus needs watering is utilizing your hands. Should you feel that the soil 6 inches down, then it shouldn’t be dry. If the dirt is dry 6 inches below the surface, your tree needs water.

How to Water

The best way to water your citrus tree is always utilizing either a flooded basin surrounding the tree trunk or drip irrigation. Both watering plans bring the water straight to the soil and root system. Sprayed water in the hose or sprinkler system isn’t a good choice for citrus since the trunk, foliage, flowers and fruits should stay dry. Pests and diseases invade these exposed wet areas, which could affect your tree’s health.

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