The way you eliminate a rubbed-on couch color from the wall is usually less about the stain and also more concerning the wall. It’s ideal to start with a gentle cleaning method, then transfer to stronger options for the finishing type, if needed. Whenever possible, check with the paint or wallpaper manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations to avoid damage.
On Paint
If the couch color doesn’t come off with a soft sponge and mild, soapy water, try out a 16-to-1 component vinegar-to-water solution on flat paint, or even a baking-soda glue on shiny paint. Use a soft cloth and gentle pressure. Generally, shiny paints are more washable than flat paints, but initial test either finish for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area.
On Paper
For washable vinyl wallpaper, try taking away the shade rub with a soft sponge and soapy water. Wring out the sponge, work from the seams’ management, and rinse and dry the area. If ineffective, test a dry-cleaning eraser at a concealed area or on a remnant before using it to erase the stain. To get non-washable wallpapers, the manufacturer may suggest replacing the stained department or with a wallpaper dough — a putty-like material that can lift stains from a few newspapers.