Tropical Style

Spider Plant Food

The easy-care spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is valuable for its ability to thrive in low-light states while cleaning the atmosphere, adding decorative flair and also proliferating in abundance. In U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 11 the South African indigenous does nicely outdoors in a timeless hanging basket or as a welcome addition to borders, edging or ground cover. Feeding the undemanding plant with a water-soluble fertilizer every couple of months will keep it in tip-top state.

All-Purpose Plant Food

Use a water-soluble, general-purpose houseplant fertilizer for plants. You can find inexpensive houseplant fertilizers at the garden part of discount or hardware stores, while nurseries typically carry the widest selection. Liquid fertilizers work well for all container plants because they’re easier to apply evenly to prevent burning. Don’t apply fertilizer directly on the plant, since this can damage leaves. Mix the plant food with water with the measuring spoon supplied. Employ every two to three months, or dilute the food to a one-tenth solution and use it every time you water. Another process is to fertilize every seventh watering. In general, the mixture is 1 tablespoon of fertilizer to 1 gallon of water. Refer to the label instructions for the exact amount to use and how to use it safely.

From the Numbers

You will see three numbers, separated by dashes, on fertilizer package labeling. The first number indicates that the proportion of nitrogen by weight, the second, the quantity of phosphorus and the third the proportion of potassium. A 15-15-15 fertilizer, the conventional mix for houseplant food, contains equal quantities of all three elements. Nitrogen promotes green, healthy leaves. Phosphorus aids in blossom development and nurtures a strong root system. Potassium gives the plant complete infection resistance, strength, strength and volume, from roots to flowers.

Avoid Brown Tips

Don’t feed your spider plant also often or too much. Over-feeding is one of the key causes of brown-tipped leaves, that the most common spider plant illness. Besides scorching, other motives for unattractive brown tips are drafts, low humidity or some high mineral content in tap water. Spider plants experience the intense growth in fall as daylight hours dwindle. That is followed by a winter resting period. In this natural seasonal stasis, do not feed your own plant.

Additional Feeding Options

Some gardeners use potting medium that contains fertilizer. Finally the nutrients leach out through watering and you will want to add compost. Cheap plant food spikes are just another choice. Simply stick them in the potting soil or medium; the fertilizer is slowly discharged. Concentrated timed-released fertilizer granules can be quite effective in outdoor garden plots, but may burn container plants. While it isn’t classified as a “food,” rainwater collected in a rain barrel or other container will create your spider plant joyful. Water with it or pour into a spray bottle and spritz the leaves.

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